Passive components, also known as passive components, refer to circuit components that do not affect the basic characteristics of the signal, but only allow the signal to pass without any change. The most common ones are resistance, capacitance, inductance, ceramic vibration, crystal vibration, transformer, etc. From the working characteristics, the passive components can not consume electric energy by themselves, or convert electric energy into other energy in different forms; At the same time, it only needs input signal and can work normally without external power supply.

被動元器件 (2,355,011)
電容器 (832,886)
- 鋁電解電容器 (103,884)
- 鋁聚合物電容器 (5,186)
- 電容器網絡,陣列 (1,622)
- 陶瓷電容器 (582,459)
- 雙電層電容器(EDLC),超級電容器 (1,365)
- 薄膜電容器 (61,358)
- 雲母和PTFE電容器 (9,016)
- 氧化鯢電容器 (274)
- 矽電容器 (152)
- 錟電容器 (56,351)
- 錟聚合物電容器 (7,363)
- 薄膜電容器 (1,816)
- 微調器,可變電容器 (2,040)
晶體,振蕩器,諧振器 (520,998)
過濾器 (25,024)
- 陶瓷過濾器 (282)
- 共模扼流圈 (6,038)
- DSL過濾器 (54)
- EMI/RFI Filters (LC, RC Networks) (2,307)
- 通過電容器饋電 (3,291)
- 鐵氧體磁珠和芯片 (3,665)
- 鐵氧體磁芯-電纜和接線 (1,752)
- 鐵氧體磁盤和板塊 (84)
- 螺旋過濾器 (21)
- 單晶 (21)
- 電源線濾波器模塊 (5,440)
- 射頻濾波器 (740)
- SAW過濾器 (1,329)